Sign Up to Volunteer - “Do not neglect to show hospitality…” (Hebrews 13:2)
You're invited serve in a new volunteer role at the church. Read the details about all of the ministry teams below!
To learn more or to volunteer, use the form below.
Please use the form below to let us know your interest.
Questions? Contact Pastor Terry at
Learn more about each ministry team and use the button above to let us know you're interested!
WORSHIP TEAMS | Sing, play an instrument at Mosaic or Heritage Services
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Sing in Chancel Choir at 9:00 Heritage Service, Pepper Pike
- Audition to sing with our Mosaic teams
- Audition to play an instrument with our Mosaic teams (guitars, keys, bass, drums, other)
- Help serve Communion on first Sundays of the month at either the 9:00 or 10:00 AM services (training provided)
TECH & AUDIO TEAM | Help with different areas of tech for our Mosaic services
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Learn to work with sound on Sunday morning
- Learn to do slides on Sunday morning
- Learn to work with lights for Sunday morning
- Help with stage crew
RADICAL HOSPITALITY TEAM | Help people feel welcome on a Sunday morning or at evening worship services/special events
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Help greet people on Sunday morning (once or more/month)
- Assist with parking lot ministry on Sundays
- Help people find seats on Sunday (usher)
- Connect Table: assist people who come to our Connect Tables to find information and ways to get connected
KIDZSPACE CHILDREN'S MINISTRY TEAM | Serve kids in our church because at Garfield Memorial, children matter!
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team in Pepper Pike:
- Volunteer to help with children’s small groups (Pre-K through 5th grade) just once a month on Sunday mornings- all training provided!
- Help prepare materials ahead of time
KIDZSPACE CHILDREN'S CHECK IN TEAM | Serve kids & families by checking them in
- Be a friendly face that signs people into KidzSpace once a month on Sunday mornings
CAFE | Volunteer at Garfield's Cafe in the Main Lobby
- Help make & serve cafe beverages at the Cafe just once a month- barista training provided!
PARKING LOT HOSPITALITY | Help welcome people in the parking lot on Sunday mornings and/or for special services
- Be a friendly face that helps people know where to park and provide a warm welcome.
HOUSE OF PRAYER TEAM | Become a trained Prayer Partner
- Help pray for people after services - training provided
YOUTH MINISTRY TEAMS | Volunteer with youth grades 6-8 and 9-12
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Volunteer with Sunday Youth Group (Sunday afternoons in Pepper Pike, 4:30-6:00 PM)
- Help with fundraising for Youth Mission Trips
SMALL GROUP LEADER | Be part of a group to go deeper in faith and build community
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Be trained to lead a Small Group that meets a homes or at the church
MEAL MINISTRY | Provide meals for those in times of illness or transition - use this direct link
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Make and deliver meals
- Deliver meals others have prepared
- Donate to help provide a take out meal
HOMELESS SHELTER MEAL MINISTRY | Help cook and/or serve meals for the homeless
- Help prepare and/or deliver meals for the Lutheran Men's Homeless Shelter and/or NECOCH
OUTREACH | Help reach our community with Christ’s love
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Help plan / organize upcoming Outreach events
- Volunteer at our food pantries
- Volunteer at our Homeless Shelter Meal Ministry
HOUSE OF PRAYER | Help undergird all that we do with prayer, volunteer as a prayer partner
Here are some ideas of how you could help with this team:
- Be trained as a prayer partner
- Help with other House of Prayer ministries