"To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing." —Martin Luther King Jr.
House of Prayer - Mondays & Wednesdays via Conference Call
Join by Conference Call
Mondays 6:30 - 7:30 pm --Prayer, Testimonies, Teaching - NOTE: No Monday Conference Call on Last Mondays
Soaking Prayer on Last Mondays of the month in the Pepper Pike Sanctuary from 6:30-7:30 PM
Wednesdays 7:00 - 8:00 pm - --Bible Study

Prayer Requests
Whether you are in need of prayer for yourself or a loved one, we have a robust and faithful prayer team to support you.
Please email prayer@garfieldchurch.org, call 216.831.1566, or click the button below. All requests are confidential.
In-Person Prayer
To receive in-person prayer, join our House of Prayer prayer partners after the 10:00 AM Mosaic service by the Prayer Wall.
Facebook Group
Join our House of Prayer Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/HOPGarfieldChurch/
Soaking Prayer
Click HERE to learn more about Soaking Prayer
Join the Team
We are always adding team prayer warriors so please let us know if you'd like to join the team!
Prayer Room
The Prayer Room is located near the Sanctuary at the Pepper Pike campus. Please come to our interactive prayer room and post a prayer request on our Chalk Request Board. You can also donate a cross for our Cross wall. The theme of Prayer Room is based on John 10:9, ” I am the Door”
Prayer Wall
The Prayer Wall is located in the Family Life Center where Mosaic Worship is held. Worshippers are invited to visit during or after service to write prayers on the wall. They can also receive prayer from our trained prayer partners.
Prayer in Motion is a great way to grow your prayer life. It is a ministry to engage in prayer in a variety of different ways. Updated on a monthly basis. It is sure to bless you and strengthen your faith! Click below to learn more.
A Final Though on Prayer
There is power in God’s word when we read it and reflect on it. God will always bring his word to remembrance when we need it the most. You will find it difficult to default to negative self-talk when God’s word is competing for your mind and heart. Psalm 1:2 tells us to Meditate on the Word day and night. Prayer and God’s word are intimately connected; each breathing life into the other. “The Word of God inspires prayer, it informs prayer and it incarnates prayer.” - John Piper
Therefore, join HOP in memorizing the Word of God. We suggest beginning with 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. The Verses - Bible Memory is a great tool for memorizing Scripture.