Meet our team

CHIP FREED | Chief Missional Strategist & Lead Teaching Pastor
TERRI FREED | Reception, Hospitality & Membership Care
TERRY MCHUGH | Executive Pastor
STEVE FURR | Teaching Pastor
DRE BRACEY | Worship Pastor
LEAH BRACEY | Worship Pastor
KENYA R. WOODS| Children's and Family Pastor
FLORA MARK | Director of Community Outflow and Outreach
CURT BISSELL | Online Campus Pastor
CRAIG MCGAUGHEY | Choir Director
MARIBETH KATT | Organist | Pepper Pike
CRAIG BERKEY | Business Administrator
JESSICA MANNARINO | Administrative Assistant, Business Office
LORI STUBBS | House of Prayer
DAVE JEZEK | Visual Production Manager, Mosaic Worship

BEN JORDAN | Audio Production Manager, Mosaic Worship